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2.0 Flowchart for a one-way web hack
Consider the example where an attacker finds a vulnerable web application, and is able to exploit it using techniques such as the ones mentioned previously. The attacker has achieved arbitrary command execution, but due to the restrictive firewall, is unable to proceed further into the network. To make an attack effective, two things are essential:
Interactive terminal access - for running commands to pilfer the attacked server or penetrate further into the network.
File transfer access - for transferring attack tools such as port scanners, rootkits, etc.
A tight firewall can make it very difficult to achieve the above objectives, however, it is not impossible. To get around these restrictions, with a little bit of web application programming knowledge, we can create a web based command prompt and a file uploader.
Before proceeding further we shall take a preview of the various stages of the one-way hack, as illustrated by the following diagram:
Created By : *-..-* DaRk EvIl *-..-*